Tuesday, December 17, 2013

IT IS THAT COMPLICATED THIS TIME: "GLOBAL REQUEST: I Am Still Waiting For The Numbers To Start Coming In"

I am still looking for GLOBAL evidence that a male's life CAN BE RUINED if he DOES NOT ATTEMPT to get or DOES NOT HAVE a female in his life. 

This was ORIGINALLY posted on December 6, 2013 and so far that number is "0".


This DOES APPLY to all females and males that CLAIM or THINKS that a man NEEDS to have a female in his life.


With all the CLAIMS that a male's life IS NOT COMPLETE without a woman in it AND the OVERLY PUBLICIZED PROPAGANDA about a female's WORTH (i.e. STRONG, INTELLIGENT, UNSELFISHCARING, LOVING and SUPPORTIVE), why are males still unattached?

Males NOT IN relationships should realize how IMPORTANT the female is (advertised to be) towards the COMPLETENESS of his life and should be PUTTING FORTH MORE EFFORT in order to have one in his life, RIGHT??


Just tell them to PROOF with LOGIC and EVIDENCE that they CONTRIBUTED to a man's life NOT BEING RUINED or DIMINISHED by being with him.

HIM not ruining HIS LIFE does not mean it happened JUST BECAUSE you laid down next to him, you did not argue with him OR you gave him some OCCASIONAL pussy.[WHY AREN'T THE FEMALES GIVING ME NUMBERS "WITH PROOF" OF MALE'S LIVES BEING RUINED TO SUPPORT "THEIR IMPORTANCE" IN A MALE'S LIFE]

Where are all of these FEMALES who claim (to name just a few):

-  Behind every successful man there is a woman

-  A woman COMPLETES a man and gives his life purpose

-  Women are the FOUNDATION that holds the relationship together

Since there are SO MANY males NOT IN a committed marital or non-marital relationship:

"The numbers of LIVES RUINED should be AT LEAST in the tens of thousands for those males that DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GET or DO NOT HAVE a woman in his life".


THE LACK OF EVIDENCE and the TOTAL leads me to believe that YOU DO NOT have to SETTLE for a female but rather WAIT UNTIL you get a CONSIDERATE, RESPONSIBLE female that VALUES YOUR CHARACTER, RESPECTS YOU and PAYS HER OWN WAY.

I simply am asking the question and I will leave all of you to formulate YOUR OWN conclusion based upon THE REPORTED NUMBERS.

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