Thursday, October 10, 2013

REALITY CHECK: "CHIVALRY IS DEAD: Thank You Feminist Movement"

I want to PERSONALLY thank the feminist movement for making my life MUCH EASIER and SAVING ME lots of MY MONEY.  Guys, read and understand what this post is about because IF you do AND apply it LOGICALLY and NOT EMOTIONALLY, you too will be THANKFUL for the FEMINIST MOVEMENT'S SUCCESS.


This DOES APPLY to ALL CAPABLE females that expects or demands EQUAL and FAIR treatment from males.

This DOES NOT APPLY to mentally incapable (retard) or physically incapable (handicapped) females.

This DOES NOT APPLY to males that want to be the ONLY provider while dating or in a non-marital and marital relationship.


Now that females have RIGHTS, we have to REVOKE their GENDER EXCUSE CARD rights when it comes to something that they SIMPLY DO NOT WANT TO DO because a male is in her presence.

MOST of you guys simply DO NOT KNOW how to apply what the feminist movement has done so you WASTE TIME and ENERGY arguing with females about it.


The feminist movement is all about 4 things which are EQUAL rights and EQUAL opportunities for QUALIFIED females.  But wait, that's only 2 things.

What is NOT talked about are the other 2 very important things which are EQUAL responsibilities and EQUAL accountability.  These two are what you SHOULD BE arguing about IF you are going to argue about anything at all.



1.  YOU SHALL be financially RESPONSIBLE for yourself in areas that you have the ability to do so.  If you have the ability to WORKEARN A LIVING and FINANCIALLY CONTRIBUTE to DATING and the maintenance of a RELATIONSHIP then YOU WILL DO SO if you want to be MY companion. 

2.  YOU SHALL be physically RESPONSIBLE for yourself in areas that you have the ability to do so.  If you have the ability to LIFT (without doing harm to yourself) and MOVE things then YOU WILL do so.


1.  YOU SHALL be held accountable for your poor choices and ESPECIALLY when you are SINGLE and NOT in a COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP.  If you choose to do something or choose someone and it GOES BAD then blame no one but you for YOUR POOR CHOICE.

2.  YOU SHALL be held accountable for your behavior and ESPECIALLY when you are SINGLE and NOT in a COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP.  If you BREAK IT, you FIX IT or PAY SOMEONE to get it fixed JUST LIKE US MEN HAVE TO DO.



-  Treat me as an EQUAL and I will behave as an equal which means I want rights, opportunities and I WILL BE responsible and accountable for myself.  I will function to the best of my abilities as a single woman and as a single woman while dating as well as in a non-marital or marital relationship.


-  Treat me as an UNEQUAL and a DEPENDENT which means you have to TAKE CARE OF ME because I am incapable of taking care of myself.


Be very clear about establishing that type of relationship because IN MOST CASES there is VERY LITTLE CHANCE of her changing her mind after YOU have CONDITIONED HER to a lifestyle SHE is ACCUSTOMED TO.

She probably would GET RID OF YOU and get one that thought like you did BEFORE she decides to GIVE UP HER LIFE OF LEISURE.


That OUT-DATED chivalrous and romantic behavior SHOULD BE RESERVED for a LOVING and CO-OPERATIVE woman that YOU are in a non-marital or marital relationship with.  Until then, she needs to EARN THE RIGHT to receive that kind of special treatment.

Expecting a CAPABLE female to be responsible and accountable for herself is not RUDE, UNGENTLEMANLY or DISRESPECTFUL although MOST females and a MANY males will argue that it is.

Responsibility and Accountability SHOULD BE EXPECTED and REQUIRED of any CAPABLE female.

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