Wednesday, March 9, 2016

JAI DUVAL'S CONTINUING EDUCATION: "SUICIDE: Whether It's Financial or Physical, No Female Is Worth It"

You have to remember that if you COMMIT financial or physical SUICIDE, the female will EVENTUALLY move on to the next man that will care for her.

I have a very close friend that I met in college that I "convinced to not commit murder, suicide". He allowed her to drive him to the edge and I have to be HONEST because WE MEN ALLOW SHIT like this to occur with women. 
Today he is very grateful that he called me before he was about to do it and HER LIFE is miserable without him.
If it took money to get her AND you are STUPID enough to think she will remain with you IF you don't continue to provide her with a comfortable lifestyle then blame no one (not even her) if the pressure breaks your mental and physical health down to a point where you can no longer provide and SHE LEAVES YOU.
If she is attractive enough to SEDUCE another man, SHE WILL NOT SPEND THE REST OF HER LIFE MOURNING for you but SHE WILL ATTEMPT TO SPEND THE REST OF HER LIFE IN THE MORNING waking up to him".
Let me repeat for the IDIOTS and MORONS, "no female is worth suicide".

1 comment:

  1. Amen, brother. I know a guy who killed himself on his front lawn with a gunshot to the head because his wife was a harpy and the husband of his cheating girlfriend found out about it. He was an idiot for doing it, but he was a bigger idiot for marrying a hag and then deciding to cheat when he got tired of it. Fool should have just walked away from it all instead.
