Wednesday, April 22, 2015

JAI DUVAL'S CONTINUING EDUCATION: "HOME SHOPPING NETWORK: Be a Wise Shopper and Not an Impulsive Shopper If You Plan on Taking Her Home"

We must make WISER choices in the females we choose to associate with as acquaintances, friends and ESPECIALLY those we take home as mates.
Many of you out there are IMPULSIVE home shoppers.  Your shopping should NOT based upon just what you see.  It's time for males to change their mindset, start thinking "how is this going to benefit or hurt me" in the LONG RUN if I take her home.
MANY of those you will be looking at will be "returns" that have been used by other shoppers and were very DISSATISFIED.
There are usually 2 basic criteria for returns:
1.  She did not meet with his REQUIRED needs because she was INCONSIDERATE, UNCOOPERATIVE and FINANCIALLY IRRESPONSIBLE.
2.  She is FUNCTIONALLY DEFECTIVE and should be returned to the manufacturer (her mother) instead of placed back on the shelf.  Unfortunately, she is trying to get some fool to take her instead of going back and live with the manufacturer.
Have you done any home shopping in the past or recently and found her to be a return based upon the 2 criteria above?
"Look (at her), Examine (her behavior) and Choose (based upon logic and not impulse)" before making such a critical home shopping decision.
As always, all I can do is provide you with knowledge based upon experience but "Knowledge Is Useless If Not Applied".
Class is dismissed.

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