Saturday, January 9, 2016

JAI DUVAL'S CONTINUING EDUCATION: "PMV Chart: Just Boobs and a Vagina Will Not Allow Females To Walk Into Smart Men's Lives"

I want all of the SMART men in my class to take a look at my chart. Read it. Understand it. Apply it. THEY ARE doing it to us so time for PAYBACK!!!
This chapter is out of my first (unpublished yet) book, "The Good Man's Survival Guide: How To Identify and Avoid a No Good Skeezer".
Start all of them off with a 10 (which is the highest score) and once you tabulate her NET PMV, don't be surprised if she ends up a minus.
Her PMV score will be ten which is a perfect score given to every female to begin with minus those deductions from the chart.
I purposely chose to NOT INCLUDE her PHYSICAL APPEARANCE since I’ve noticed you all have your own standards and personal preferences when it comes to what you consider attractive to be.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Just as points are deducted, she can receive rebates as well. For example, if she has 2 children at home, 2 point are deducted and her PMV drops by 2 points. Once the children are grown and out of the house, she receives 2 rebates and her PMV increases by 2 points.
Females are ALWAYS rating and eliminating males so now it's time for them to GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER because it's time to GIVE THEM A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE.
Class is dismissed.

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