Wednesday, March 27, 2013

MENTAL GANG BANGING: They Don't Want To See You Happy

I have heard this first hand, "You can go and get someone else but WE are going to change her". There are females out there that REFUSE to be fair, considerate and financially responsible for themselves and their mission is to MAKE YOU relationship MISERABLE and ESPECIALLY if she does not look like them.

Well, what in the f*ck was your DUMB ASS expecting to happen? You come back into that shit hole of ANGRY hood rats, prance around with YOUR CHEESE, leave her around them and expect those hood rats to be HAPPY for you NOT EAT her up? 

You have got to be one of the BIGGEST IDIOTS around.

There is a reason why you aren't with one of those hood rats you MORON. It's because they don't give a shit about you and now YOU THINK they are going to be happy for you?


If you are going to ABANDON those HOOD RATS, you need to NEVER, EVER bring your NEW woman around THEIR environment PERIOD.

You need to transition more towards HER environment and/or explore NEW environments that ARE NOT similar to the ones you have ABANDONED.

DO NOT bring YOUR CHEESE back into that HOOD RAT environment to flaunt her in their faces. You can go other places and simply ENJOY yourselves with new people that will RESPECT YOUR NEW RELATIONSHIP.


Why waste your time around someone that DOES NOT want to see YOU HAPPY?


If you find her to be a TURNED OUT and EATEN UP piece of CHEESE that want to socialize in that hood rat's den then GET RID of her AS SOON AS you discover that. She is just as worthless as those hood rats that you have ABANDONED.


All I can do it warn you of what SURELY will happen if you are that STUPID.

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